Monday, March 20, 2006

I Could Eat a Goat, Guinea or Goose

I have become an eating machine. I'm not real sure what is it, the increased training or PMS but I feel like my life is revolving around food. Or workout-eat-sleep. Last week, I rode over 100 miles, swam about 3 miles, ran 20 miles and lifted for three hours. By this weekend, I was starving. On Friday night, we went to a new German restaurant, it was yummah! I ate salad, schnitzel, red cabbage and spatzel. I proceeded to order an apple streudel to take with us. I did resist eating the streudel the entire car ride home, I may have drooled on the box. Once we walked in the door, I ripped open the box and ate streudel with vanilla ice cream.

Saturday night we went out again after my bike ride. We went to Ham's and I ate fried flounder, french fries and coleslaw. I was still hungry. So off to Sonic and I ordered a Hot Fudge Cake Sundae. I ate it all before we were half way home. Guess what? I was still hungry! I came home and ate three homemade oatmeal sunflower seed cookies and eight pieces of chocolate. I finally started chewing gum so I would stop eating. It's like my stomach is the great abyss. People jokingly ask if I have worms because they can't believe the amount of food I can consume. I know I am worm free because when I worm the goats, I accidentally worm myself. The wormer used on the goats is put on the back of their neck(like Frontline for dogs or cats) and absorbed through the skin. Somehow, I always get the stuff all over me. So, no I don't have worms!

I started to feel bad that I ate so much junk over the weekend. Yesterday, I went to the grocery store and bought Tuna and Salmon steaks, fruits and veggies and brown rice. I grilled the fish, made stewed okra and tomatoes and boiled the brown rice. I ate a healthy dinner but wasn't satisfied. I broke out the ice cream, cookies and chocolate. Then had to chew my gum again to stop eating.

I brought a banana with me to the gym this morning. After swimming for an hour, I ate the banana, did weight training for my legs for an hour and ran five miles. I think that banana helped sustain my energy. Normally, I'd have to go home to eat then run later in the day. Now, I'm planning what else to bring to the gym to eat after swimming. I'll probably start dragging a cooler around with me for my beloved snacks. I just called my husband because I have a craving for macaroni and cheese and I need three different types of cheese to make the "gourmet" one. The boxed type will not fulfill my desire. If he doesn't pick up the cheddar, jack and mozzarella cheese on his way home from work, I may have a melt down. I can't stop thinking about this macaroni and cheese! I fear we will go bankrupt feeding me before I finish racing this season. Then, I'll start slaughtering the farm animals to feed myself. First I spent money on the bike, then the clothing, now the food. Sheesh, this sport is expensive!


At 2:34 PM, Blogger JF said...

You are funny! Eating all that and you still remain a stick! There are girls out there that are insecure about what they can and can't eat. I hope they don't read your blog! They may get mad that you can eat all that a still remain a size 1! hahaha!

Hey, have you thought that you may be pregnant? That is the first thing that came to my mind! Just checking!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Cycling Under The Influence said...

I know how you feel. Sometimes I think I could eat my body weight in food each day.

Stewed okra? You are my hero. Nobody wants to eat that! I brought some in one day and all of the guys in my office look at me like I am eating chicken feet or something. They just don't get it. For those of us who grew up eating that stuff it is the best!

At 12:50 AM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Funny post, but so true. When I walked into work the other day our new receptionist ask me if I just went shopping... I was like, no, this is my lunch!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Trisaratops said...

Hee hee! Crackin' me up over here...

I am sooooooo feelin' you on this. If I don't bring enough food in my lunch I'm totally screwed for the rest of the day. I get home and mow away on everything in site. I'm getting better about not even buying certain things, because I know how hungry I get and I have ZERO willpower! :)

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Robin said...

Farm animals? Oh no! need to go talk to IronBenny who is eating all of the elks in Utah.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger KBGee said...

Awesome post...I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I read it. It made me think of training for my first marathon when I ate everything in sight and still dropped about 22 lbs. For about 4 months I don't think any of my co-workers ever saw me without a piece of fruit, cookies, or a candy bar nearby. I used to tell people that I was on a special weight loss that diet that required an hourly snack whenever I was awake. Some who didn't realize I was running 45-50 miles a week thought I was serious.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Sixteen Chickens said...

Heh heh, I'm guilty as well, I can't even count my calories anymore because I'm afraid to know the real total. Gum... now that's a thought. Do you ever swallow it because you are so hungry?

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