Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hi, My Name is Mojo and I'm an Addict

I've come back to the real world. I knew this would happen. I'm depressed that the half is over. I enjoyed waking up in the morning and looking at my training schedule. There were mornings I'd look at it and think the workout was too hard, I didn't think I could complete it. After I did it, I felt such a sense of accomplishment. There is no plan for me to follow anymore. I feel lost.

I have to go to Farmer's Market today. I will have to get dressed in something besides biking shorts, tri shorts and a jog bra. I'll blow dry my hair and put on some make-up. It makes me feel all fake and phony. I'll smile and sell eggs and soap. Inside, I'll secretly be wishing that I was riding with the group tonight. Tomato man will ask me why I keep moving my legs, I'll have too much energy to just sit still for hours. I'm addicted to the endorphin rush. I'd do another Half Ironman right now. Last night, I did a trail run(after swimming and lifting) and enjoyed the sweat dripping into my eyes and burning them. I'm crazy, I need some help I think. Why can't I just be a good farmer?


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Jill said...

Mojo - take Don up on his offer!!

And if that is not quite enough training - sign up for another event. Maybe a century or marathon. That is what I keep doing.

As for my running - I broke my toe over a year ago and wasn't allowed to put too much pressure on it (ie no speedwalking, running, jogging, clipless pedals, etc.) for 7-8 months. After the new year I was able to really start training again, but have been on the bike so much my running has really suffered!!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

Like our DI's used to say in Parris Island, "you're all at least a little bit crazy, cause if you weren't, you wouldn't be here!"

I think it's the same with triathletes...

we're on the same wavelength though, I just happen to know there's another Half called the Beast of the East this weekend...

At 10:27 PM, Blogger JF said...

Hell! Go get a piece! That will keep you busy! Go Don Go!

I am right there with you Milk. I have been so lost this week. I told myself to take this week off and I have. NOTHING and eating anything (except for fried food and sodas). I feel like shit! I feel like someone has died or something. Fortunately my summer job training began Tues. so that has filled my time, but I am serious... I am not the same.

I still have races coming up on the 20th and the 3rd. I can't stop now. Just a different mindset.

What about Duke Half?

At 10:28 PM, Blogger JF said...



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