Monday, July 10, 2006

Surprise! Surprise!

I have been holding out for almost two months on a big surprise! I deserve a reward.. I shocked myself because I have a big mouth. I talked my Mom into buying a tri bike for my sister Val.(Don and I bought the Cat's Eye and water bottles) My Mom deserves major props for her generous nature!

My sister did her last tri with a bike from 1996, no clips. She came in 5th place age group in the Lurray, VA Tri a few months ago. I know she'll rock with this new Fuji Aloha. She has natural talent, I know it!

My sister is a wonderful person. She decided to quit her job to stay at home with her kids. You can tell because they mind well, you can take them to fancy restaurants! We went to Brasa last night after we picked them up at the train station in Raleigh. Her kids happily peeled and dined on shrimp.

She doesn't expect things and makes sacrifices. She's a giving person, she's decided to be with her kids and go back to work when her little boy enters school. She thought my Mom and I were buying her only shoes and clips for her old Trek Fast Trac. Little did she know. She was afraid to take the bike outside to try the clips/shoes because she didn't want to wreck and scratch it.

When my Mom said "Happy Birthday! This is your bike!", my sister broke into tears. It was a beautiful moment I will always remember. The moment with emotional overload takes someone over, I love it! (Thanks to bike shop friends for helping make it happen)

There are moments in life you will never forget. Today was one of those days. Her face when she realized it was hers and the reaction. Knowing that she feels like she deserves that bike. I swear, almost everyone in the bike shop was crying. I am so happy for her but I hope she doesn't beat me this weekend. She kept on my tail the entire time we rode this afternoon. We are doing our first tri together in SC this Saturday! How cool is that? :)

Oh yeah, I love my Mom. How can you resist a green M&M with long eyelashes?


At 6:38 PM, Blogger Nancy Toby said...

You're so kind!


At 10:04 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

I love posts like this! What a great post!

At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy family stories just rock!
Love the picture!
You two have a great race this weekend and give your Mom a big hug for us :)

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Chris said...

What an awesome family you have! Very, very cool.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Jill said...

That just totally rocks!!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Janet Edwards said...

Agghh, waht a truly wonderful gift and moment you will always remember!

At 11:51 AM, Blogger MissJenny said...

You guys are awesome! What a neat story. I hope your sister loves her bike -- it sounds like she's really earned it!

At 5:05 PM, Blogger :) said...

So cool!

At 11:49 AM, Blogger E-Speed said...

what a great gift! hope you still edge out your sister in the race though ;)


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