No More Junk in the Trunk
Today is day five of eating clean. I'm actually feeling much better as long as I don't see french fries. It's not easy, let me tell you. When my husband and I went out yesterday, I ate a grilled chicken salad for lunch, boring! I watched servers bringing mounds of french fries and hamburgers. Ya know how I love french fries. I'm willing to ride in a police car for french fries.
I'm not as bloated. My wedding band is actually loose and my stomach is flatter. I'm not as groggy when I wake up in the morning. As a bonus, my skin looks better. I usually have some zits on my chin, they are trying to clear up.
I was eating a lot of processed foods. Tortilla chips, pretzels, Pop Tarts, sugary cereal, deli meat and bagels. I'm not sure if it's from cutting back on carbs or eating more protein and higher quality foods that is helping me feel better. It takes more work to eat clean, I have to plan ahead and have eggs boiled, chicken or turkey breast grilled and salad chopped. I think I'll be pleased with the results in the long run.
Incline Bench Press (3 sets) 12xbar, 12xbar, 12xbar
Dumbbell Chest Fly's (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets) 12x20lbs, 10x20lbs, 8x20lbs, 8x20lbs
Peck Deck Machine (5 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x25lbs, 12x20lbs, 12x20lbs
Chest Press Machine (3 sets) 8x60lbs, 10x55lbs, 10x55lbs
Tri's Standing Cable Pushdowns (3 sets) 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs, 12x30lbs
Skullcrushers (3 sets) 12xEZ bar, 12xEZ bar, 12x EZ bar
Dumbbell Donkey Kickbacks (3 sets) 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs, 12x15lbs
Seated Press (3 sets) 12x90lbs, 12x100lbs, 12x100lbs
Assisted Dip Machine (5 sets) 12x50lbs, 12x50lbs, 12x45lbs, 12x45lbs, 10x40lbs
15 min. AB work, 45 min. run
Nice workout and great job on eating right for a few days. It's hard, but it should pay off.
(i responded to your challenge!)
Great job!! I can eat wonderful for 3 weeks out of the month. But that 4th week is a killer. I get such horrible cravings during that time.
As for the duathlon. It was run 2mi, bike 11.5, then run another 2mi. Might have to try one of those again - it was kind of fun.
Way to go! I am working to clean up my diet, too. I am such a pizza freak it is terrible. I love french fries but I gain weight really easily so I don't eat them. But my friends Ben and Jerry do have a way of finding my house. It is so HARD! Results are the best inspiration, though and you are getting results so yay!
Chili Fries and Ice cold Coronas !
Come on ! you know its too good .
Just kidding . More power to you for shaking things up a bit. Just don't get too ripped.
Women are nice soft.
Holy crap, you certainly hit the weights. That's about an hour and a half to go through all your sets? 1.5 hours is about all I can handle.
You all ready sound pleased. Keep up the great work of eating clean. I have been doing it since early this year and enjoy the results. I do have my one day out of the week to treat myself to some home baked goodies or a restaurant pig out feast. So don't be too hard on yourself and enjoy those fries once a... month.
the weights log makes me dizzy :)
I am trying to eat a little better, it's hard because I seem to be hungry all the time now! Grr. But I have tripled my fruit intake, so that has to be good right?
I am bad about pre prepping food. Kudos to you!
dropped in from the link on flatman's blog.
good job on eating well. soon the stuff you used to eat won't even taste good.
awesome workout too.
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