Boo! Happy Halloween!
It's been a long time! Hopefully, I'll be a better blogger since it's getting cold. Time is going by quickly. I was admiring all the pretty colors outside then shocked when I realize it's autumn. Only two months left in the year! Then, I thought about Halloween.
When I was young, Halloween was my second favorite holiday. Dressing up, running around the neighborhood at night and getting free candy. Who could want more as a kid? The only time I was bummed out during Halloween was when I'd have to wear a coat over my costume. Nobody could see my teenage mutant ninja turtle shell! People that gave out raisins were way too uptight. People that gave out full sized candy bars were my idols. I promised to be cool and generous like they were when I grew up.
We don't get any trick or treaters at the farm. Kinda hard when you live a half a mile from the main road. I wish we did, I'd love to see the costumes. Maybe it's best they don't come here, I just thought about Monty and Missy. They'd go ape shit if Barney, Scooby-Do, a witch or Dracula came knocking on the door yelling "Trick or Treat". Heck, they may go sailing through the glass door if a kid sized Snoopy was on our front porch. I'd need to tranquilize them, they'd probably have an anxiety attack.
I always had a Halloween night ritual. I'd dump out my pillow case full of candy on the floor separate them into different piles. I think the worst candy every invented was Good n' Plenty. I loathe black licorice. I probably could start dry heaving if I think about it long enough. The Good n' Plenty inventors were tricky! They coated the glorified black tar with a white or pink sugar coating. I mistakenly ate some one Halloween and it almost ruined my palate for the remainder of the evening. My sisters wouldn't even trade me Smarties for Good n' Plenty's. My Dad and the dog always got those spawn of satan candies. My favorite candy was Snickers and I still adore them today. I liked the Double Bubble gum too. I'd get a case of lock jaw from that pink gum though. After popping a fresh piece in my mouth, it would become rock hard in two minutes. It was almost like chewing a rubber eraser. I'm no longer a fan of Double Bubble, my gum addiction is now Extra spearmint, the bright green gum.
Today, I'll be going on my first bike ride since Pinehurst. I haven't missed it that much, I've enjoyed the break. I have been lifting weights almost every day. I've hit some personal records lifting. I leg pressed 270 X 4 on Tuesday. Watch out Flatman! My biceps are getting even bigger! :)